Chronic Pain in La Crosse

Find Relief from Chronic Pain in La Crosse

Do you dread facing each day knowing nagging aches await? Have doctors been unable to pinpoint clear causes for your persisting pain beyond non-answers like ‘joints wearing down’ or ‘getting older’? Take heart. Answers exist along with relief and a restored outlook.

The chronic pain specialists at O’Brien Physical Therapy & Wellness leverage both clinical expertise and empathy having walked recovery journeys ourselves. We know firsthand how discouraging coping with constant or recurring pain feels over months to years awaiting elusive solutions.

Demystifying Chronic Pain’s Root Causes

When tissue damage like a strained back initially triggers pain which then persists long after expected healing time frames, complex neurological and biochemical dysfunction keep discomfort signals flowing.

  • Potential perpetrators include:
  • Nervous System Dysregulation
  • Hormone/Chemical Imbalances
  • Cellular Inflammation
  • Postural Habits
  • Secondary Nerve System Sensitization


Restoring Comfort Through Personalized Treatment

In contrast to a simplified generalized protocol, your skilled chronic pain therapist customizes your progressive treatment plan based on contributing elements pinpointed through your thorough assessment.

  • Manual Therapy
  • Therapeutic Movement
  • Neuromuscular Retraining
  • Soothing Modalities
  • Medication Optimization


Why a Personalized Approach Matters

Traditional rehabilitation programs taking one-size-fits-all generalized approaches often see protocols fail patients with complex overlapping issues. By contrast, our individualized services backed by years of advanced pain science training facilitate profound relief.

Patients under our care experience:

  • Substantially Reduced Pain
  • Improved Physical Function
  • Decreased Medication Needs
  • Enhanced Overall Well-Being


Request An Appointment

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we will contact you about scheduling.

Amanda Hynek

“Jill is an incredibly talented physical therapist. She treats the body as a whole, is super thorough, and her knowledge base is amazing . She helped me identify issues that many other medical professionals missed. Her dry needling technique is one of the very best! She cares deeply for her patients and works very hard to get them well. She has helped me so much and I will recommend her to anyone struggling with health concerns, chronic pain – you name it. Jill rocks and is one of the best PT’s out there!”

Laura Pernsteiner

“I have worked with handful of other great physical therapists; however, there are many things that set Jill apart. Not only is she incredibly thoughtful and caring, she is the most thorough and comprehensive physical therapist I have ever worked with. When other therapists couldn’t find answers, Jill searched harder and looked for more clues. When I was ready to give up, Jill was my cheerleader saying, “let’s keep trying, I have more ideas!” She has extensive knowledge and shares this knowledge with me in a manner that I can understand and incorporate in my daily habits and movement patterns. She collaborates with my other healthcare providers including my chiropractor. This is rare but is the way healthcare should work; it has allowed me to make more progress than I ever have. I have recommended her to multiple friends and they share the same feelings I do. Jill is fantastic. Don’t wait, make an appointment- you won’t regret it.”