Dry Needling in La Crosse

Targeted Relief From Chronic Pain With Dry Needling Services in La Crosse

If unrelenting muscle tension, restricted mobility from past injuries, or unresolved neurological and movement dysfunction has you struggling to perform basic tasks pain-free, exploring dry needling at O’Brien Physical Therapy & Wellness can provide lasting relief when other methods fail. This effective technique leverages microscopic monofilament needles to release knots and trigger points, reboot neurological signaling, accelerate healing, and reduce discomfort naturally.

We view your health journey holistically, addressing the root causes of dysfunction rather than just chasing symptoms. Dry needling combined with manual therapy and customized exercise empowers patients to take control toward recovery.

When is Dry Needling Effective and Why?

Dry needling provides targeted, often immediate relief for both acute and chronic neuromuscular conditions by:

  • Resetting abnormal signaling loops causing increased muscle tone, spasming, cramping
  • Improving metabolic exchange and flushing inflammatory irritants in ischemic zones
  • Reestablishing ideal sliding mobility between muscular and fascial planes
  • Promoting tissue regeneration for strained, dense regions
  • Releasing trapped cutaneous nerves and vessels
  • Stimulating endogenous pain modulation effects

Common Conditions Benefiting Include:

  • Migraines and cervicogenic headaches
  • Whiplash injuries and associated neuropathy
  • Temporomandibular dysfunction
  • Sciatic nerve impingement
  • Disc bulges or herniations
  • Plantar fasciitis and tendinopathies
  • Post-surgical scar tissue dysfunction

Unparalleled Expertise and Care

We integrate assessments to guide needles exactly where they will yield optimal mechanical and electrical effects offering:

  • Targeted, Lasting Pain Relief
  • Restored Range of Motion and Flexibility
  • Expedited Healing of Injured Areas
  • Rebalanced Muscle Activation Patterns
  • Enhanced Functional Capacity

Request An Appointment

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we will contact you about scheduling.

Pete Schneider

“Jill and her staff are simply the best! I was advised to contact Jill regarding some back pain. I scheduled my first appointment. I was skeptical about doing so because I figured I would be throwing money out the window because I really doubted, she could help.  Thank goodness I took the advice from a friend because I was extremely impressed the minute I walked in. Jill took the time to listen to my back issues. She recommended “dry needling” and I agreed to do so. She took the time to explain what she was doing. Later that day, I felt less pain in my lower back. I have continued more therapy and have been incredibly happy with the results. She doesn’t force you to do more than you want. I will continue to be a patient of Jill’s, plus she is super nice, and I have enjoyed every visit with her.”

Amanda Hynek

“Jill is an incredibly talented physical therapist. She treats the body as a whole, is super thorough, and her knowledge base is amazing . She helped me identify issues that many other medical professionals missed. Her dry needling technique is one of the very best! She cares deeply for her patients and works very hard to get them well. She has helped me so much and I will recommend her to anyone struggling with health concerns, chronic pain – you name it. Jill rocks and is one of the best PT’s out there!”