


About Your Bone Health!

About Your Bone Health!

Although we tend to take them for granted, our bones are the structural foundation for all of our body's functions. We've all heard about osteoporosis and it's damaging consequences, and most adults...

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Exercise Snacks

Exercise Snacks

Did you know… Exercise Snacks (exercising in small 5 to 10 minute increments throughout the day) yield the same, if not slightly better, results than one big session at the gym. Moving consistently...

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TMJ vs TMD – what’s the difference?!

TMJ vs TMD – what’s the difference?!

TMJ vs TMD - is there a difference?! People often say they have "TMJ". Well, technically they are correct...they have a TMJ! TMJ is simply the abbreviation for your TemporoMandibular Joint - it is a...

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The forgotten magic pill(s)!

The forgotten magic pill(s)!

What if we told you that you could feel better with a combination of “magic pills”, would you take them? What if we told you that these "magic pills" have been proven time and time again to help you...

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The MAGIC of Menopause…

The MAGIC of Menopause…

What do you think of when you hear the word "menopause"? How about... Chaos? Madness? Hot flashes? Magic? (Bet you didn't think we were going to say the word magic, did you?) Did you know that...

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Running through (and after) Menopause

Running through (and after) Menopause

As women, we can spend anywhere from 30-50% of our lives in menopausal state. So why don't we spend at least 30-50% of our time learning or talking about it? This article is mean to INFORM women on...

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse

June is Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness Month! What is pelvic organ prolapse, or POP? Pelvic organ prolapse is when 1 or more of the organs in the pelvis descend down from their normal position and...

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Fascial Counterstrain

Fascial Counterstrain

What is Fascial Counterstrain? Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) is a gentle manual therapy approach designed to release tension in all tissues in the body. Fascia is connective tissue that surrounds all...

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Cesarean Birth Recovery – Part 1

April is Cesarean Awareness Month! 1 in 3 mamas will give birth via cesarean. Yet, after a Cesarean birth, most women go home with little to no education or support on how to actually recover from...

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